
maroon wave

Delmarva Public Radio Fund Fall Drive Continues Through Oct. 20

Delmarva Public Radio Fall Fund Drive logoSALISBURY, MD---Delmarva Public Radio (DPR) is asking listeners to continue supporting the stations this season during its annual Fall Fund Drive from October 13-20.

Contributions benefit WSCL 89.5 FM Fine Arts and Culture, and WSDL 90.7 FM Rhythm and News. Both stations upgraded their broadcast equipment, sound quality and reliability with the replacement of off-site transmitters last fall thanks to public support. General Manager Dana Whitehair said he hoped listeners will continue that support during this year’s fall drive.

To contribute, visit the DPR website at www.delmarvapublicradio.net and click the red “Donate” button at the top of the page or call 410-543-6895.